This site does not use cookies. We don't know anything about cookies and we aren't interested in learning anything about cookies. We can make cookies in our oven, but we don't make cookies on your computer. Our host captures statistics about you and they use a cookie to do this. This means that when you go to delete all that porn you have stashed in your temporary internet folders, you don't have to worry about deleting our cookie, because we didn't give you one. Our host may have, but we didn't. Not that if we had cookies to share, we wouldn't offer you one, it's just that we don't have any cookies. Sheesh !
We don't use any advertising on this site. Not that we wouldn't like to generate some money, it's just that we hate advertising and we feel that we shouldn't subject you to it either. If you like our policy on not burning your bandwidth on advertising, please leave a tip.
Registration Forms
We don't ask you to register for our amazingly useless content either.
Demographic and profile data
We don't collect this information.
We don't run contests, so we don't collect anything for something we don't do. Now that makes sense doesn't it.
External Links
This site occasionally contains links to other sites. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these Web sites. If you go there, be prepared. Always wear a condom, always.
Children's Guidelines
We care about children. We cannot identify whether a visitor is an adult or a child therefore we attempt (on occasion) to highlight items that may not be suitable. For example, if content has the work FUCK in it, then we would warn people that the word FUCK will appear in that content. There are also some foreskins, an arse and the occasional clitoris. But as they only appear in this policy, you are now past them. In summary, if you are a minor, then don't blame us if you see or read something distasteful. Alternatively, if you are a parent of a kid, then you should be watching what they're doing on the internet and not sitting back boozing on watching NASCAR races on the TV. Spend some quality time with your kids for name's sake.
Contacting the Web Master
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this web site, you can contact us.